Children and consumption of fast food 🍴🍕🍔

You see a red logo with a yellow ‘M’ drawn across the board and immediately, your hunger
spikes. But what is it that is so attractive about fast food?

For one, fast food is cheap. On average, it is easier and faster to get a five dollar meal than to spend a larger amount and a ton of time to make something nearly as filling. But price isn’t a concern when it comes to children. Colour psychology plays a major part, however. Unsurprisingly, approximately 60% of fast food chains use red in their logos, closely followed by yellow and orange. Colours like green could represent healthier and vegan alternatives. White represents cleanliness and purity which when combined with colours like red could lead to more trustworthy service. However, colours like blue are strayed away from since they are quite unappetising. Children, however, are attracted to bright colours and are more likely to choose a rainbow candy as opposed to a brown toffee.

Children, much like adults, are bound to do as they see in their environment so if healthier food is made more attractive to them, they will be able to improve their metabolism and health and are less likely to fall prey to fast food chains. You eat with your eyes. A child when presented with a strawberry in the form of a flower is more likely to consume it. In Japan, children are given bento boxes for lunch. Parents often spend time cutting shapes out of vegetables and meat so that the nutritional needs are met. Spending time on mundane things like these makes all the difference so take that extra step and see the change.

Fast food continues to be a large part of our daily intake despite the damage it causes. As
enjoyable as it is, it still doesn't change the fact that it is a detriment to our health. Countless surveys have been taken and they all point to that fact. Many people are addicted and don't even know it. A large percentage of people rarely cook anymore. Most teenagers don't even know how, to begin with. We'd take a wild guess and say they got used to the daily life of take outs and microwave dinners.

When Epicurus said,"No pleasure is bad in and of itself-only the possible consequences from over indulgences in those pleasures",he definitely knew what he was talking about.

The intake of diet high in sugar, saturated fat, salt and calorie content in childhood can lead to early development of obesity, cardiovascular diseases accompanying emotional and self-esteem problems, and chronic illnesses in later life. The presence of hazardous food coloring agents and/or unhealthy Trans-fats in many fast food items, and issues with food preparation safety, often complicate the issue further. Lack of vitamins such as A and C, and minerals such as magnesium and calcium, encourages the development of deficiency diseases and osteoporosis, as well as dental caries due to higher sugar intake.

- Vriddhi, Racheal, Nasreen

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