Chronic Unemployment means prolonged unemployment in the economy. In other words, chronic unemployment is caused due to the long-term unemployment persisting in the economy.

The two causes of long-term unemployment are cyclical unemployment and structural unemployment. Cyclical unemployment itself is often caused by a recession. Structural unemployment occurs when workers' skills no longer meet the needs of the job market.

The combination of employer discrimination and the emotional toll that unemployment has on an individual contributes significantly to the struggles that people who are unemployed long term encounter when seeking jobs. 

Unemployment itself occurs because of slower economic growth or scarcity of jobs in the economy either due to large population with limited job opportunities or because of less developmental programmes to increase the number of job opportunities. This is further supplemented by outdated education system leading people to be unemployable in job market. 

Chronic unemployment has drastic effects. It causes acute shortage of financial resources to support a living . It causes lack of education and health facilities for the family of a chronic unemployed leading to further unemployment. It widens the gap between haves and have-nots and gives birth to serious crimes when the person gets frustrated of his state. 


 The society as a whole should strive to help those in need. That is where the role of an NGO as ours come into picture. We have a vision for a better and sustainable future for all and we will make it come true. 

Social workers can play a powerful role in helping long-term unemployed individuals get back on their feet. They should train themselves to take a holistic approach to problems in order to connect clients to the appropriate resources. 

Social workers can help them by guiding them through the process of applying for unemployment benefits while Providing emotional and mental health support.
They can do this by connecting the unemployed person to unemployment and job search resources in the community. Social workers and community can advice these people on career and life transitions and help them by setting personal and professional goals for them by developing a monthly schedule to achieve these goals.

                     - Anshuman Dash & Bhoomika Jain

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