"Nature provides a free lunch but only if we control our apettites. "

Sustainable development refers to the masterful balance of meeting our own needs, without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to do the same. Food safety is one of the key components to achieve sustainable development goals. Food safety covers a wide process involving handling, preparation and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illnesses .

Food safety is mandatory for sustainable development because if the food we eat is adulterated, it leads to increased diseases, which requires more resources to repair, leaving the future generations with less of them. It also leads to biomagnification which refers to increased concentration of a toxic substance at successively higher levels in the food chain leading to lower immunities to pass on to the future generations and more damage to the resources of nature.

Illnesses reduce a person's ability to contribute his or her services to the society. This increased loss on part of the society along with the already depleting resources for future generations stand as a barrier in path of sustainable development goals. It could also lead to pandemics in all over the world and further deteriorate the economy and nations' ability to survive.

In a nutshell, governments across the world should take a step forward ensuring food safety as a basic measure for sustainable development. Food safety involves everyone in the food chain and so a close watch must be kept at all factors related.

                                                      - Bhoomika Jain

India is a country with a high population growth rate hence sustainable development is something which is not new to us and we are aware that it needs to be a priority if we want our future generations to lead a life of self reliance. Out of all sustainable development objectives the most cardinal one is to lead a life of zero poverty and hunger; with millions of people still living below the poverty line India occupies forty ninth rank in the poverty index.The rising population and poverty is a concerning factor which makes it imperative for the government to take necessary actions to ensure food security.

Food insecurity leads to problems such as poor mental and physical health, chronic diseases and suboptimal sleeping problems as a countermeasure the government has masterfully laid down plans like National Food Security Mission, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), the Integrated Schemes on Oilseeds, Pulses, Palm oil and Maize (ISOPOM), Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana.The introduction of public distribution systems and schemes like mid day meals ensure that people have access to the necessary nutrients, adopting better technology and crop diversification measures improves our scope of alleviating poverty this along with investments in warehouses and food seeds are steps towards a hunger free India.

                                                          - Ankita Sinha

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