World Consumer Rights Day

 How many times have you been disappointed after shopping? Chances are, more times than you’ve liked. When we decide to buy something, there is a risk we won’t get complete satisfaction from it. Can we protect ourselves from being exploited by greedy retailers? Can we choose to make wiser purchase decisions? The answer to both questions is yes. 

 A product or a service could be of inferior quality, defective or overpriced. Often products either come with a false warranty or do not come with a simple how-to-use leaflet. Honestly, the ways a consumer can be exploited is aplenty. Due to the unequal playing field between the consumer that is anyone who buys a product or consumes a service in exchange for monetary consideration and the retailer, its easy to be cheated. This is the exact reason why many laws are laid to protect the interests of the purchasers. These laws contain the rights and remedies for an aggrieved consumer.

The following six rights are bestowed under the Consumer Protection Act 2019:

Right to safety from falsely marketed goods, defective pieces, overpricing, inaccurate usage instructions that might lead to damage of one’s property, injury to self or even mental agony experienced due to the whole ordeal.

Right to choose in a competitive market One has full permission to select any product from any manufacturer or seller at a competitive price. If it’s a monopoly then a fair price has to be assured along with satisfactory quality and service.

Right to be informed about the quality, quantity, standard and price of goods before buying. The consumer should be sold exactly what they were shown or offered. No one should be misled to buy an inferior or overpriced product.

Right to be heard and represented in forums created to ensure the consumer’s welfare. This right enables consumers to come forward without any fear, file the complaint and raise their voice against manipulation.

Right to Seek redressal once a consumer experiences unfair trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation. Consumer Courts are set up at District, State and National level to provide inexpensive quick redressal against complaints.

Right to awareness of consumer rights and how to exercise them. The government has run many campaigns such as Jaago Grahak Jago to make the public informed. The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) regulates promotes and protect these rights.

Although the law tries to keep a check on the market, we as consumers can also try to make better decisions. Some things are on us.

The responsibility to be aware of the policies of the government and being an informed citizen. The Consumer Forum can order the company to, repair, replace and refund the consumer. It also has the power to order the discontinuation of the sale of a product. Keeping abreast with 

The responsibility of speaking against wrongdoing goes hand in hand with the aforementioned. One needs to lodge complaints or help others to do so. Exercise your right and bring malpractices to light.

 The responsibility to be more alert and assertive –. Before purchasing, consumers should insist on the quality of the products as well as on the guarantee of the products and services. They should preferably purchase quality marked products such as ISI, AGMARK, etc.

The responsibility to read the instructions carefully no matter how familiar you are with the product. Especially when it’s an electronic, chemical or sharp-edged product. This small act could save you from a potential injury or even death

The responsibility of lawfully purchasing goods from verified sites or trusted markets. The possibility of being cheated greatly decreases if the seller has a good reputation and a loyal consumer base. Prefer such sellers over those who advertise alarming low prices. 

The responsibility to be aware of the environmental as well as the social impact of our consumption. Often underprivileged sections of the society do not have access to quality products because of low buying power or inaccessibility. This is slowly changing due to the various schemes of the government and huge donation drives by NGOs but there is still a long way to go. We could all do our bit, go a little out of the way to help those in need.

Caveat Emptor, Latin for Let the buyer beware is the principle that we need to follow. We are all consumers. It’s a part of our daily life, hence it’s important to know our rights and responsibilities as the act of purchasing a product or service is not a simple act. One needs to have the foresight to make informed decisions even if there are remedies available.

By - Shruthi Sreekumar

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